C&NN Natural Teachers Network

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Drum roll please - introducing my new blog! I understand blogs are becoming the preferred technology communication medium for photographers, some even using it in lieu of a website. Admittedly, my big hesitation with starting a blog has been rather silly: my aversion to the name, "BLOG". I just don't like the sound of that word! When I can think of a more acceptable term, I will start using it.

What has made me dive in has been my Photojournalism instructor at The Art Institute of CO, Jill Mott. It is her class requirement that we establish a blog, and she suggested Blogger to us. Thank you, Jill. I can also thank Jill for getting me out shooting on a more regular basis. Last Quarter in school, I had a non-shooting class (I only take one class a Quarter; my life is too busy to do anything more). We will be shooting a lot for her class. This photo is of my young neighbor, Will Duncan, and I shot it as I was working on a homework assignment. This is my idea of a true sign of spring: kids out playing in the mud. Ah, the simple pleasures of childhood. And the pleasures of meeting your neighbors.

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