On a photo assignment this morning at 6 am, I was treated to a lovely and peaceful start of my day. Hired by a local restaurateur to shoot images for his newest location soon to open, he wants to feature the local farmers he supports. It's important to know where our food originates from; it's not the grocery store.
Ursula & Lawrence Holmes of Cresset Community Farm in Johnstown work with purpose & quiet dignity, not at all at the frenzied, scrambled pace of many.
Lawrence learned his biodynamic farming methods in Germany, where he lived for 26 years. For further explanation of their practices, see their website at
http://www.cressetcommunityfarm.com/. Bundled up in the chill of the morning, they worked together, yet independently. It was calming to observe their rhythm. As with all of farming though, make no mistake that this is grueling work. This is more than just a job to them; it

is their way of life. They are centered and gracious people. They sent me home with fresh produce they had harvested last fall. But they shared with me far more than vegetables. After two hours, I was reluctant to leave the harmony of their environment, despite the obvious hard physical labor. Packing up my gear, I refused to check the messages blinking at me on my Blackberry until I got home. It was such a gift to be welcomed into their world.
What a lovely way to begin the day!